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Grinding Technology: Theory and Applications of Machining With Abrasives
Grinding Technology: Theory and Applications of Machining With Abrasives
  • 定價:3373


    博客來-Grinding Technology: Theory and Applications of Machining With Abrasives博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F011013553


    Presenting a comprehensive and consistent treatment of grinding theory and its practical utilization, this new edition focuses on grinding as a machining process using bonded abrasive grinding wheels as the cutting medium. Logically organized, this self-contained resource starts with a description of abrasives and bonded abrasive cutting tools; then moves on to thermal analyses of the grinding process for conventional, creep feed, and superabrasive grinding; and ends with methods for enhancing and optimizing of grinding operations, simulation of grinding processes, and computer control of grinding machines. The perfect reference for practicing engineers involved in the grinding process, it will also be useful for researchers working in the field.


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